Streaming | Tech | 3D Printing
Zig Warner
Creator Overview
Zig is an IT certified professional whos primary content and goal is to teach others about live streaming, computer systems, 3D printing, and general technology.
Zig's Audience
Zig’s audience of followers are interested in the following…
Live Streaming
Video Games
Computer Building
3D Printing
Social Stats
- (Last Updated - October 14, 2021)
130,000 – Total Followers
(Monthly) Viewers – 5 Million
162K Monthly Views
7.6K Monthly Views
Top 5 Locations
Working with Zig
Content & Rates
Zig’s target audience are those that are interested in live streaming, video games, and other technology. Zig will only advertise content or products related to those topics.
Minimum rate of $150 for promoting a product or service. If you’re sending a product to review, that product may qualify for free promotion/posts.
Mailing Address
Products or samples for review can be sent to the following address.
Zig Warner
8100 Wyoming Blvd NE
STE M4 #202
Albuquerque NM, 87113
Delivery Address Phone # (If Needed)
(505) 858-1600